Hitesh Tailor
Certified Body Code and Emotion Code Practitioner
Being an engineer by profession, I am wired to understand the technicality of mechanisms around me. I have a passion to understand how things work logically, which can make me highly skeptical. It was in 2017 that my beliefs were challenged through Emotion Code. I had been going through many health and life challenges since 2015. With having Stage IV Cancer, 4 Surgeries in 5 weeks, hospitalization and multiple rounds of Chemotherapy (during which process I was hospitalized twice for a week each in critical condition), breakdown of my marriage and again 3 major surgeries in 2017; I was struggling to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I was not able to recover easily after my last surgery which took me into ER 4 times and that was when a friend of mine suggested me to try this new healing modality. To which I was ‘poo-pooing’ the idea and thinking “I don’t believe in this kind of thing.” But after a couple of days, I thought to myself “why not.” At this point I had tried medicine, surgeries and other electromagnetic resonance machines and alternatives to help with my health, so why not try this too?
During the very first session to which I was extremely skeptical, I was on a call with an Emotion Code Practitioner in Wisconsin. I was not sure what part of my life I wanted her to focus on, so did not reveal any of my issues to her. So she just started and began to release some emotions one at a time using a magnet. As she was doing this, I was thinking “this is a waste of my time and money, nothing is happening.”
But as she carried on, my emotions were being released and I had started to feel a weird sense of relief and got highly emotional, which is usually not in my nature. Up until that point, I have never let myself feel so emotional and I was shocked by it. I felt a deep sense of relief almost immediately and felt much lighter after the session but more importantly, my pain level went down several notches! As the session ended, I was told this is as much as my body can take for today. After a few more healing sessions, my skeptical nature was challenged as my health and recovery took a dramatic turn for the better!
‘There is something to this’ I thought. I was compelled to find out more about this process and researched it to a great extent and discovered Dr. Bradley Nelson. I read materials, watched several videos of him and the more I researched, the more I was drawn to knowing about how the energy healing works.
To convince my technical mind, this healing modality was summarized to me by a very dear friend and Mentor as …”this is the Science of Emotions!” Everything fell into place for me after He said that. This is a science! It is Energy, Resonance and Frequency. It was then that it was decided that I would learn this system, become certified and help others!
I am always amazed and it warms my heart on how the Emotion and Body Code is helping the people and pets I’ve worked with.
Hitesh P. Tailor, CECP