The Body Code

This work can be performed either in person or remotely either via, phone, video call or even via email. You can be on the other side of the world and it will still be as effective!

The subconscious mind is the ultra-intelligent computer system of the body. It knows just what you need in order to be healthy and happy. Using the Science of Emotions, the Emotion Code uses questions and muscle testing (a form of bio feedback) and even pendulum use, to get information from the subconscious mind about a Trapped Emotion. Once it is identified, it can be released using a combination of two important elements:

A magnet acts as a powerful carrier of the practitioner’s intention to release the emotion. When that magnified intention energy is placed into the body via the Governing Meridian (a major energy channel in the acupuncture system), it flows through the body and releases the emotion. The Emotion Code is great for kids and pets too!

The Body Code has helped:

Heart Wall

One of the greatest discoveries of the Science of Emotions and the Emotion Code is removing the Heart-Wall. We estimate that 93% of the human population have a literal wall around the heart made up of multiple layers of Trapped Emotional energy. The Heart-Wall is created by the subconscious mind in order to protect the heart from grievous injury, and it’s a good thing that we have this mechanism when we need it.

The problem is that having a Heart-Wall long term is like living in a bomb shelter; it’s nice to have its protection while bombs are falling, but if you have it forever you’ll end you feeling disconnected and unfulfilled.  Have you ever felt this way? Like you’re on the outside looking in?  Have you felt blocked from giving or receiving love? Have you had much difficulty recovering from loss?, A divorce?, Abuse?.  If so, it’s likely that you have a Heart-Wall.  The good news is that clearing it is easy and can be life changing! Don’t wait any longer and get rid of your Heart-Wall and open your heart to feeling true, deep love and happiness again. A fun beautiful life is just around the corner.

What can I expect?

Most people say the Emotion Code helps them feel lighter, sometimes very sleepy or get emotional and more free, but we often see immediate reduction of health, pain and emotional issues too! Your results will depend on how many Trapped Emotions you have and how quickly your body responds after they are removed. Releasing Trapped Emotions helps restore balance to the body; so your body’s natural healing ability will be allowed to return. This helps the body recover gently from your ailments and gain a stronger immune system.