Emotion Code/Body Code - Phone/Email Session
30 minute phone/email appointment
The Body Code, developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson is the most cutting edge and advanced healing system in the world and is used to assist people with all types of issues. Each session may include (but is not limited to) the release or correction of trapped emotions, structural imbalances, energetic circuits in the body, and recommendations to address nutritional deficiencies and toxicity. The power of The Body Code System lies in its simplicity. It lets you tap into the wisdom of your subconscious mind to answer any health and wellbeing question and can either be for working toward general wellness, or targeted to address specific physical or emotional issues or concern you may have which include: complicated health issues, weight issues, fertility, abundance blocks, relationship complications, inner child wounds and areas where clients feel stuck.
This is a 30 minute telephone / email appointment. We recommend 24-48 hours between sessions. You will receive a written emailed report at the end of your session, detailing exactly what was done.
The body is truly like an onion, and sometimes it takes time to get to those inner layers! To get maximum advantage of The Body Code healing, it’s best to get one of the packages
A complimentary session for all new customers! Please inquire below.
Single session

$115 USD
See what it’s like before you decide to have more sessions!
3 sessions

$315 USD ($30 saving)
Three sessions can deliver delightful and lasting results!
6 sessions

$600 USD ($90 saving)
Our most economical package for multiple ailments!
Family Package
If you are interested in getting the healing done for entire family, go for these special family packages that benefit all members of the family. (Not including Heart Wall clearing)
Heart-Wall Package
20 minute phone/email appointment
According to Dr. Bradley Nelson, the greatest discovery in Energy Healing is the Heart Wall and clearing the layers of trauma over the heart. If you are dealing with Depression, Anxiety, and PTSD or other emotional disorders, this may be a very powerful procedure for you, helping in the following areas:
Clarity of your Mission in Life
You will feel more love from others
Your love influence will be more effective
More Energy and Stronger Immune System
You will have more access to wealth and abundance.
It generally takes between two to four sessions to clear a person’s Heart-Wall. In your case, if it takes less than three sessions to clear it we will let you know, and you can use the other sessions to work on any other issues that you may want to address. Should it require an additional Session to clear the Heart-Wall, the fourth one is free to you as a bonus from us!
3 sessions; limit 1 purchase per client
$260 USD
Body Code Phone Evaluation
This service is designed for those who are suffering from a major health problem or have experienced a serious decline in health. It is a complete evaluation of the body performed by proxy over the telephone which includes testing for the presence of structural imbalances, low-grade pathogens, nutritional imbalances, toxins, all organ and gland circuits, trapped emotions, and the Heart-Wall. We will also determine how well your immune system is functioning, how well your brain is communicating with your organs and glands and how well your heart is communicating with the rest of your body. Includes a complete written report of findings and recommendations for future care helping people suffering from mysterious and “incurable” illnesses.
This is a 1hr phone appointment evaluation including healing session focused on the most important issues discovered in the process of completing your complete health evaluation, targeted at the issue or issues of primary concern to you.
$250 USD
Pet Sessions (30min)
The Emotion Code and Body Code can help your pets and animals achieve a healthy and happy life as well. They may not be able to talk about them, but if you watch their behavior and get to know them, you will soon be able to recognize their subtle changes of emotion. Animals also have heart walls sometimes and we see significant improvements when we clear their heart wall. Emotional trauma such as abuse or abandonment can cause trapped emotions in animals which can manifest in physical disease, pain or behavior issues. If your pet is dealing with chronic pain or behavioral issues, we can find the underlying imbalances and remove them.